Happy new year to everyone out there in cyberspace. 2012 promises to be a very big year for me and no doubt for everyone else. An olympic year is always good for strength coaches and sports of all kinds, and I'm hoping to expand my business ventures and other projects I have on the boil. Here's my goals for this year:
1. Grow my strength and conditioning business - WILD Strength and Conditioning here on the Gold Coast;
2. Write a heap of articles for Aussie Ironman and MILO;
3. Have my new book finished and published, either by a big publishing house or failing that, self-publishing it;
4. More cartoons and illustrations in print.
Whew! A big ask I know, but one I'm hoping to achieve with your help! If you like my writings, cartoons or other ideas, drop me an e-mail and like it on Facebook. I'd love to hear from you all.
In closing, attached are two digital illustrations I recently did for an animated ebook idea for Palmer Higgs publishing. I haven't heard back yet, but if you have an idea for an animated children's book, look them up - you never know. Thanks,