Read about my WILDSTRENGTH! program here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hi All,

I must apologise for taking so long to post another blog.  I finished a six pager of Stealthmode to show at Brisbane Supanova and got some great feedback.  I'm presently pencilling an 11 page Killeroo story for publication in Darren Close's Killeroo Gangwars Anthology due out some time next year.  I'm also back writing and am putting the finishing touches to my book - and writing and illustrating a children's book I hope to pitch soon.  Here are a few images I have produced for various facebook challenges.  Go to my deviant art site kdavidbest for more stuff.  Thanks

Monday, September 10, 2012

More Stealthmode Art

Below are two comic pages that aren't going into Stealthmode issue 1.  Thanks for visiting,

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Page 1 of Stealthmode comic

Hi All,

Here's page one of my comic character Stealthmode.  It reveals how he lost his hearing.  I've just finished page 8 of issue two and am in negotiations to print and publish issue 1 with a full colour cover.  Check out Stealthmode's Facebook page for more art and updates too.  Thanks,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Stealthmode Facebook page

Hi all,

Just started a facebook page for my comic hero 'Stealthmode'.  Go there and check it out.  I'll be posting new art there as I go.  Below is the coloured cover for issue #0 I hope to publish soon.  Thanks,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Art Work Update

Hi All,

Been a while since I posted anything.  Been busy finishing issue two of Stealthmode and am pencilling the third and fourth issue.  Assignment two of Joe Kubert's course is back and here is the original artwork (minus critique again).

Also, I've discovered a cool facebook site called ozcomics.  They have a weekly art theme you can enter and show your work.  This week the subject is Aliens the movie.  I did this piece to post on their site.  I call it 'Get away from her...you bitch!'

Stay tuned for Stealthmode three cover very soon.  Til then, keep drawing.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Joe Kubert Art Course

Hi All,

I recently got back by first assignment from Joe Kubert Art School in the US.  Although I needed a few corrections, Joe said I have potential!  That's music to my artistic ears.  Attached is my assignment I submitted (in the interest of copyright I'll keep Joe's critique to myself).  I've just finished the next one and will post soon.  On the work front, I'm doing lots of designing and writing for Gold Coast City Council Engineering Services directorate.  I'm learning the ins and outs of InDesign and Illustrator as well as improving my skills in photoshop.  It's great to have the time during the day to do this and although it's a temporary position, I'm hoping it will develop into something more permanent.  In the meantime, I'm still working on issue two of Stealthmode for Ashcan comics.  Incidentally, Ashcan launched issue 6 on Friday night.  I couldn't make it but am looking forward to getting my copy soon.  I don't yet know if Stealthmode issue 1 is in this issue (or postponed to issue 7) but I'll be shouting from the rooftops when it makes print.  Attached is a sneak peak at the cover for issue 2.  Anyway, be sure to check out the artists and links I include in my posts and like my Facebook page.  Thanks


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stealthmode comic

Hi All,

I've completed my first six pager for Ashcan Comics, and I'm busy pencilling the second edition.  Below is the cover image.  Ashcan publish in black and white so I gave the cover some grey highlights.      I've got the critique back for my first assignment from Joe Kubert School, and I'm busy pencilling the second assignment as well.  Joe is offering an original comic art page done by him and his sons as a prize for the best second assignments, so I'm trying my hardest to win one - what a collectors item!  Anyway got to go,


Friday, June 8, 2012

Children's Illustrations

Here is a children's book illustration I was working on for the SCBWI illustrators showcase.  Apparently based on two images I sent them, my work isn't suitable for the showcase.  Anyway, maybe you can be the judges and if you think it's good enough, let me know.  Thanks.

Art Stuff update

Hi guys and gals,

I've been kept very busy with projects at the moment.  Assignment 1 of Joe Kubert's comics course is done and sent.  Eagerly awaiting feedback for that one.  Six page comic for Ashcan is inked and ready for rendering.  Sent through the first page today.  I'm putting the finishing touches to my children's book portfolio which I'm showcasing at the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators conference.  I'll add a few images when it is sent.  Below is a variant cover for my re-worked superhero Stealthmode.  I might enter this in a local art competition and see how I go.  I'm loving DC's new 52 comics.  The art and stories are amazing.  My favourites are Aquaman, Deathstroke, and Blue Beetle.  Go to their website and check them out.  Anyway, fish and chips are here.  g2g.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Comic Art and Stuff

Hi All,

Been a busy few weeks with many projects on the go.  After Supanova, I've reworked my comic book idea titled 'Screw'.  I've changed his name, given him a new costume, and redrawn the whole comic after taking the advice of the guys from Black House Comics.  Stay tuned for some images in the near future.

In the meantime, I've submitted my book proposal to a few more publishing houses, drawn more cartoons in addition to my comic idea, and coloured a few images.  Below is some examples.  I splashed a bit of colour onto the title page shown in the previous blog post, and I inked another title page with another comic character I'm working on - who made an appearance in my last coloured image making friends with a huge wild bear.  I won't reveal his name yet until I've improved my pencilling skills.

I've enrolled in a pencilling correspondence course through the Joe Kubert School in America, one of the best in the world, which I'm very excited about.  I should get the first assignment in a few weeks.  If you're interested in comic art, go to the DC Comics website/blog.  It's been totally re-worked and there's dozens of images of comic art at all stages of the process for you to study and wonder over.  I hope that one day my skills are even half as good as their artists.  Got to go, as always train your brain as well as your body.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Comic Art Idea

Hi all,

Just went to Supanova on the weekend.  Wow! What a great show.  Nearly 20000 people attended over the full weekend so it was definitely a winner.  I didn't dress up or anything like that, I went there to get portfolio feedback from the guys in artists alley.  The below splash page is one I did for a new comic idea I'm working with.  I may change the name and play with the drawings a bit but the idea was generally well received by all so watch this space!  I'll soon have a finished product to publish - hopefully through Black House Comics.  Till next time,


Friday, April 20, 2012


Hello everyone,
It's Friday 20th of April as I write this and the Supanova weekend is here!  This is the first time it's being
held on the Gold Coast and I'm heading there Sunday to check it out.  I'm taking my portfolio of art to show the editors and publishers there what I can do so I can (hopefully) secure some work.  I'll be there with my son, Bill, and those of you who've read my articles in MILO have seen a photo or two of him (and me) will recognise us.  If you do, say g'day and we'll talk training, cartooning and general stuff.  Hope to see you there!


Thursday, April 12, 2012


I went to a free workshop hosted by GCCC Libraries and delivered by Rob Layton, a writer, designer and editor.  He gave some great advice on the five steps to publication and really knows his stuff.  If you have a manuscript you want published it pays to get professional editing (or at least proofreading) before sending the finished product to the printers.  Check out Rob's website at WordMasters.com.au or give him a call on 0411031236 or email rob@wordmasters.com.au.  Dinner is ready, got to go,


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gym Follies

For those of you who don't read Aussie Ironman Magazine (shame on you), here are the last few published gym follies toons.  I'm hard at work writing and illustrating a comic story at the moment and will post finished illustrations soon.  For those of you who love art, particularly manga art, check out David Lovegrove's home page.  He's doing some awesome stuff and I've learnt a lot from talking with him.  Till next time,


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Comic Art

Hi everyone,

I'm real busy right now doing tons of art stuff and writing up a storm.  I just received the latest MILO and my article came up good (even if the toon is a little small).  I've submitted my next one and am working on another.  Also I'm doing a rough draft for my next article for Aussie Ironman and of course doing lots of Gym Follies toons.

I'm getting right into comics and comic book art and writing.  My favourite comic at present is Aquaman (DC's new 52).  Some amazing artwork and stories in the series so far.  My new favourite shop is Comics Plus in Southport.  Lots of great new comics and plenty of other stuff.  When you're next in the Gold Coast, check it out - they're about to move to Nerang Street.

Whilst we're on comics, look up the Supanova website and book a date to see the expo.  I'm going to the Gold Coast event in April and hope to network with the industry's best writers and artists.  Very exciting stuff!  There will be lots of other stuff there as well - gaming and trading cards etc.  I'm taking my son who will be wide-eyed at the gaming booths.  Anyway, here's a sample of my comic art so far.  Very crude and probably too much blacks, but a valiant first effort I say.  Till next time, train your brain as well as your body!  Ken

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MILO Article

Hi fans,

My latest MILO article is in this month's issue. It's titled 'Yin and Yang in Training and Life' and talks about how numerous bodybuilders and strength athletes have yin hobbies of art, music, singing, acting and writing. I included some new 'Strength Follies' toons that I hope they publish each issue from now on. Just go to ironmind.com and click on the MILO tag. Order your digital or hard copy on line and enjoy. Email me your thoughts and your own yin hobbies. I'd love to hear about them. Till next time, train hard and rest harder!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Paleo and Primal diets and lifestyles

I've been doing a lot of research into 'Paleo' and 'Primal' style diets and lifestyles in compiling information for my upcoming book on strength and conditioning training.  Here are some of the better ones on the market:

1. The Paleo Diet by Dr Loren Cordain PhD - Dr Cordain is the leader in pale-style diet and lifestyle principles.  There's a lot of good research-based information in this and other books he's written on the subject.

2. The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf - Robb is a qualified strength and conditioning coach and biological scientist, and knows his stuff in relation to diet and exercise.  He has a good training chapter in his book which is geared to beginners.

3. The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.  Mark has some great info on paleo-style or primal (as he calls it) diet, exercise and lifestyle laws and is quickly becoming my favourite read on the subject.  He also gives some sensible guidelines in relation to exercise routines and styles.

4. No Excuses by 'Commando' Steve Willis.  This is the only book I can find with Crossfit information in it (apart from the crossfit.com website).  The Crossfit principles are sound and the exercise selections are excellent.

My book is a comprehensive guide to strength and fitness training modelled on the physical activities of ancient and modern hunter-gatherers.  Whilst it contains elements of the leading pale-style philosophies mentioned above, it goes into much greater detail.  Stay tuned for more posts on my book and my overall philosophy of strength and conditioning training my book and other writings are modelled on.  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to everyone out there in cyberspace.  2012 promises to be a very big year for me and no doubt for everyone else.  An olympic year is always good for strength coaches and sports of all kinds, and I'm hoping to expand my business ventures and other projects I have on the boil.  Here's my goals for this year:

1.  Grow my strength and conditioning business - WILD Strength and Conditioning here on the Gold Coast;
2.  Write a heap of articles for Aussie Ironman and MILO;
3.  Have my new book finished and published, either by a big publishing house or failing that, self-publishing it;
4.  More cartoons and illustrations in print.

Whew! A big ask I know, but one I'm hoping to achieve with your help!  If you like my writings, cartoons or other ideas, drop me an e-mail and like it on Facebook.  I'd love to hear from you all.

In closing, attached are two digital illustrations I recently did for an animated ebook idea for Palmer Higgs publishing.  I haven't heard back yet, but if you have an idea for an animated children's book, look them up - you never know.  Thanks,
